About Me, Right Now that is
Hey-Yo! I'm Stacie, a 30-ish something Mama who loves to cook, bake, multi-task at all the wrong times, and drink lots of coffee. I'm normally in good spirits, but if you ever find a need to turn my spirits around you can remind me not to be so hard on myself, or light a nice smelling candle, maybe hand me a latte..... or just fold my laundry. I hate folding laundry. Yeah, forget all that other stuff, just fold my laundry! That will always make my day!
I love my son, Felix, he's the light of my life. He's growing ups so fast! Sometimes when i see him out of the corner of my eye, i just stop and secretively watch him play. It makes my heart so happy. He's such a caring, smiley, tenacious one, and has equal parts Andrew and I.
Oh ya, I really love my husband, Andrew, of seven years (2013 we got married), together for 12 years, and lived it up before we did the classic, get a dog, buy a house, travel, and then have a kiddo. I know, so cliché right?
My Dad did most of the cooking growing up and my mom loved to bake. Remember Pampered Chef, well my mom was a little obsessed and had all of the coolest kitchen gadgets. I remember saying, "When I grow up, I can't wait to fill my adult kitchen with all of these cool toys!" So basically, I was always in the kitchen, helping out when I could.
I'm a bit obsessed with coffee. You could pretty much offer to make one, buy one, or drop one off at my front door and I'd NEVER say no. Especially now being a Mama, it's a way of living and sometimes the only way I make it to my bedtime. My go-to is a latte with caramel or white chocolate, half sweet. In the summertime, I'm a sucker for a cold brew coffee with heavy cream and a touch of coconut or lavender. TIP: If you've never had lavender in your latte, I HIGHLY suggest trying it next time.
Fitness is another stress reliever for me. Preferably Dance2fit, which I like to describe as cardio, meets aerobics, meets hip-hop, thrown into one workout. It's a lot of fun and makes me want to workout and not dread it. Unless you have a 1 year old who keeps you up at all hours of the night. The best part is Jessica, the owner of the company, is based in Tennessee so everything is recorded live and posted to her app and you can hit play at home, anytime!
Writing is more of a hobby at the moment, not holding my breathe or anything but maybe one day it'll be something I do more of and just stay home with the kids. Right now, I'm very happy working full-time job as a Dental Assistant, I love it. It's true, I do love it, even after my pediatric dentist pulled six of my baby teeth, with gauze stuffed in my mouth, I cried big alligator tears, hugged him, and said "Thank you for pulling my baby teeth." For me, I love working with people, helping calm their nerves and seeing a smile on their face when leaving. Not to mention I'm just a geek about teeth.